Hired But Not Yet Filed Info For Clients

Info For Clients Whose Bankruptcy Case
Has "Not Yet Been Filed"

Attorney John Orcutt here. I will be sending you a series of short emails now, one each day. These emails will help you understand the process and what all is involved. Hopefully, this information will answer any residual questions and concerns. Hopefully, this information will also give you comfort and confidence that you have made the correct decision for your family.

Here is a list of the topics that will be covered in these emails.

Want to get a jump on this information?  You can.

Just click on the email topic of choice to read the full message ahead of time.

Email Day #:

  1. ORCUTT LAW:  Congratulations!
  2. ORCUTT LAW:  Please keep checking your email every day, just in case.
  3. ORCUTT LAW:  In days ahead, you will receive a series of emails from me.
  4. ORCUTT LAW:  Your homework assignment. It's EASY and it pays great.
  5. ORCUTT LAW:  The importance of the "Things To Do" form
  6. ORCUTT LAW:  "Filing bankruptcy was the best thing we ever did."
  7. ORCUTT LAW:  Lingering questions, concerns, worries or fears?
  8. ORCUTT LAW:  I already filled out your paperwork. Why do I have to do it again?
  9. ORCUTT LAW:  Homework assignment:  Don't delay. It's EASY. Please get it done.
  10. ORCUTT LAW:  You can be done in as little as 3 hours.
  11. ORCUTT LAW:  Congratulations!  90% of the work is done.
  12. ORCUTT LAW:  Ten(10) Easy Steps To File Your Chapter 7 or 13 Case.
  13. ORCUTT LAW: Hang in there. It's almost over.
  14. ORCUTT LAW: Please don't listen to other people.
  15. ORCUTT LAW: Please don't second guess yourself.
  16. ORCUTT LAW: Please bear with us.
  17. ORCUTT LAW:  Please Pay Attention To Your DEADLINES.
  18. ORCUTT LAW:  It's time to start looking to the future.
  19. ORCUTT LAW:  Filing bankruptcy is like winning the lottery.
  20. ORCUTT LAW:  You took the bull by the horns.
  21. ORCUTT LAW:  Don't wait.  Enjoy being “out-of-debt” starting NOW!
  22. ORCUTT LAW:  I couldn't be happier for you.
  23. ORCUTT LAW:  "What should I tell my creditors while I am waiting for my case to be prepared and filed?"
  24. ORCUTT LAW:  If I am paying you, why do I have to do so much work?
  25. ORCUTT LAW:  Did we tell you which debts to stop paying RIGHT NOW?
  26. ORCUTT LAW:  If you have not done so, it's time to read the "Things To Do" form we gave you.
  27. ORCUTT LAW:  Hiring us does not mean that your bankruptcy case is INSTANTLY filed.
  28. ORCUTT LAW:  No real protection until you case is filed.
  29. ORCUTT LAW:  We are with you all the way (Former client testimonial).
  30. ORCUTT LAW:  Your life will be better real soon now.
  31. ORCUTT LAW:  Have questions?  Keep asking!
  32. ORCUTT LAW:  Filing bankruptcy is the best money you will ever earn.
  33. ORCUTT LAW:  Your creditors are paying for your bankruptcy.  Did you know that?
  34. ORCUTT LAW:  Do these 3 things for a great credit score in the future.
  35. ORCUTT LAW:  Chapter 7 ONLY: 25 ways to find the money to file.


ORCUTT LAW:  Congratulations!

I am so excited for you.

You have made a wise decision to file bankruptcy.

In doing so, you have taken a giant step on the path to "debt free" and "stress free".

The results from filing bankruptcy can be amazing and, for sure, life changing and transformative.

A fresh start and a second chance at life can make all the difference.

At its core, bankruptcy "kills off debt".  And, this is important because less debt is what lets you get back to living again.

As important, it gets a lot of creditors off your back.  Why?  Because the minute you file, they can't call or write you anymore.

But likely, in the days ahead, as you mull things over, you will have questions and concerns, many of which we did not think to address.   There may also be family and friends who raise questions and concerns, many of which we did not think to address.

Just know this:  If you have questions, we want to answer them.  If you have concerns, we want to address them.  If you have fears, we want to discuss and, hopefully, eliminate them. 

But we can't do any of this unless you bring your questions, concerns, and fears to our attention.

We have helped over 70,343 families get free from the burden of debt. 

As a result, there is nothing we can’t answer or address if you give us a chance.

So, don't hold back.

Keep coming at us. 

Getting you the answers, help and support you need is why we exist.

Start by calling your assigned Processor.  If need be, your Processor will reach out to your Interviewer or an attorney for help.

Lastly, thank you for placing your trust in us.

Here's to your fresh start and a second chance at life,

John Orcutt


P.S. You should have or will be receiving a document from us called "Things To Do".  Please take a few minutes to read this document.  It will answer a lot of questions for you.

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ORCUTT LAW: Please check your email every day, just in case.

And keep checking your email every day until we get your bankruptcy case filed.

Your assigned Processor will be emailing you, and likely more than once. 

And every one of these emails from your Processor is important.

It is important you don't miss these emails.

It is important that you read these emails.

It is important that you don't ignore these emails.

It is important that you respond to these emails, and that you do so promptly, without delay.

If, at any point, you feel overwhelmed, call your Processor.

Your Processor, and all of our staff, are here to help.

There may well be something we can do to help.

And always remember that, with us, you are never alone!

You are so close to being "out of debt".

Please hang in there. 

I guarantee: It's totally worth it.

We are with you all the way,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  In days ahead, you will also receive a series of emails from me.

No matter how much time we spent with you, there is always going to be things we didn’t think to mention or which you may not understand the first time through. In addition, there are questions you will have that we did not think to answer and concerns we did not think to address.

That's why I am going to send you a series of short emails.

These emails are designed to educate you, instruct you, answer frequently asked questions, and, most of all, to give you comfort. 

  • Comfort that you have made a good decision.
  • Comfort that you understand the process and what all is involved.
  • Comfort from understanding what only filing bankruptcy can provide. 
  • Comfort that you are on your way to debt free.
  • Comfort that you are very close to getting the fresh start and second chance you, and all good, hardworking people, deserve.

My hope is that you will find these emails both valuable and helpful.

In the meantime, you should already have received a copy of a document called: "Things To Do."  

This document provides a ton of information and answers about bankruptcy and how the process works.

Pull it out and take a look.  If nothing else, start by reading just the headings. 

When you find headings that seem to apply to you, stop and read them. 

Remember: Knowledge is power.  And the more knowledge you have, the more comfortable you will feel.

Please keep an eye out for emails from "ORCUTT LAW".

If you don't see any, please check your SPAM, TRASH, and ALL email folders.

And always remember, we are here to serve you,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Your homework assignment. It's EASY and it pays great.

Getting out of debt is your “right” under the Federal Bankruptcy Laws, as authorized by your U.S. Constitution.

Full, open, honest, and complete disclosure regarding your financial situation is the price you pay to claim this right.

What a small price to pay to get you and your family “out-of-debt”.

That's what your "homework" assignment is for.  You know, the questionnaire we gave you, and the list of documents we need to get your case filed.

And, it's easy.  The easiest homework assignment you will ever have in your entire life.

No reading required.  No learning involved.  No problems to solve.  No grades to worry about.

We just need a bunch of answers and a few documents from you.

Easy answers, most of which you can answer "off the top of your head".  And documents you should already have, or have access to.

Documents like paystubs, tax returns, and bank statement.  

In most cases, your homework assignment is easier than doing your taxes, but it pays so much better.

When you do your taxes, if you’re lucky, you can get back hundreds or even a couple of thousand dollars.

But, when you file bankruptcy, the prize can be 10 or 20 or 30 times as much when you add up all the debt you will get rid of, debt that is, under the law, “forgiven”, debt that never has to be paid back.

And, unlike back in school, where you had homework assignments every night, or like taxes, which you have to file every year, your bankruptcy homework is a "one and done” forever deal.

Let's get it done.

And, let's get you “out of debt”.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  The importance of the "Things To Do" form

Along the way, there is a lot you need to know.

Much of this information, my staff has already told you about.

But there is no way we thought to tell you everything, and could well have not answered all the questions and concerns you may have.

That is why we created and have provided you with a document call our "Things To Do" form.

NOTE: This "Things To Do" form can be found in the attachment to the email we sent you that included our Contract for Legal Services.   Please find and open this email, click on the attachment, and scroll down until you find it.  To help you find the email in your email program, search for these terms: Contract for legal services .  You don't have to, but if you have a printer, please print it out for future reference. 

Over the years, our clients have asked us a lot of questions.

This document is our attempt to answer those questions.

  • It will explain things to you.
  • It will answer most, if not all, of your questions.
  • It will let you know things you need to do.
  • It will let you know things you should NOT do.

Make sure you dig it out and take a look at it. 

It would make sense to read the "Things To Do" cover to cover, perhaps with a pen or highlighter in hand to underline or highlight items of importance.

At the same time, we understand that this is fairly long document.

So, if you just don't have time or you're not a reader, at least do this:

Start by finding this document in the papers that we sent you.

Then, take a minute to "glance it over".

Start by just looking at the section headings.

Some section headings will apply to you.  Others may not. 

We think you will know the difference.

If you find headings that apply to you, mark those sections and then go back and read them.

And, always remember, if you have questions, we have answers.

All you have to do is call and ask your assigned Processor.  His or her name is listed near the top of this form.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:    "Filing bankruptcy was the best thing we ever did."

"Filing bankruptcy was the best thing we ever did."

We hear this all the time from our clients.

This is not to say that our clients are happy they had to file bankruptcy.

It's simply a reflection on the fact that filing bankruptcy was the only solution to what seemed like an "impossible" problem.

As it will be for you.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Lingering questions, concerns, worries or fears?

Lingering questions, concerns, worries or fears?

We understand.

It just means there is something we did not think to address.

It happens. Call us. Start by calling your assigned Processor.

Your Processor's name and telephone number is listed at the top of the "Things To Do" form.

Addressing your questions, concerns, worries and fears is part of what you pay us for.

We are the experts in all things bankruptcy. 

You are not alone. Use us.

We have helped over 70,343 families get free from the burden of debt.

There is no question, concern, worry or fear that we have not addressed a thousand times.

We are with you all the way,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  I already filled out your paperwork. Why do I have to do it again?

"I already filled out your paperwork.  Why do I have to do it again?"

Here is the answer:

The first time around, when you filled out our Initial Interview Questionnaire, we were trying to get a good overview and a sense of your financial situation, to see if filing bankruptcy would help enough for you to file. We were also checking every possible legal issue to make sure there was nothing that would disqualify you or put you at risk.

We didn’t ask for things like exact amounts, account numbers, exact dates, addresses, etc.  And, as you know, we didn't ask you for all the supporting documentation.  It was too early for that.

Basically, the paperwork you filled out earlier was designed to provide us with just enough answers and information to allow for a proper analysis of your situation.

The first time around, we didn't verify any of the information you provided.   We simply took you at your word on everything.

This time around, we need the proof.  

In order to prepare the forms necessary to file your case with the court, we need to verify everything. 

We do this starting with our Bankruptcy Questionnaire, which also provides you with a list of documents we need to get from you.

Your answers and your documents will be used to substantiate everything so that when we fill out all the forms necessary to get your case filed, we can provide full, complete, accurate and truthful answers.  Basically, full disclosure, with nothing held back.

This is what the law requires.  This is also the price you pay for the privilege of having you debt forgiven and thereby eliminated. A small price to pay to get rid of thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

And, we take this requirement very seriously, and work very hard, on your behalf, to get every detail letter perfect.

Unfortunately, for most of the answers and documents we need, you are the only source.

A lot of the questions in the Bankruptcy Questionnaire, you can answer off the top of your head.  Some of it is our asking the same questions again, but this is done to make sure you really understand our questions and to make sure your answers match up with the answers you provided before.  Much of the process is getting a lot of documents from you, documents like your bills, your bank statements, tax returns, collection letters, etc., all the stuff necessary to properly and fully list in the forms to be filed, all your assets, debts, income and expense, along with information about any gifts or transfers you may have made.

Full, and accurate information is all the more important because, before we file your documents with the court, you are required under the law to sign everything under penalty of perjury, "so help you God".

And that is why we need more from you than the answers you gave back when you filled out our Initial Interview Questionnaire.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Homework assignment:  Don't delay. It's EASY.  Please get it done.

If you have not already done so, please get your homework assignment done TODAY, so we can get your case filed.

If there is any money due upfront, move heaven and earth to get it paid, so we don’t have to hold up your filing.

The quicker, the better.

Getting us the rest of the answers and documents (and any money) we need is like taking the final step over the finish line in a race you have already won.

It can all take as little as 3 hours. 

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  You can be done in as little as 3 hours.

It all comes down to getting you out of debt.

The more debt you can get rid of, the better off you will be.

You would think that the whole process should be easier. 

Less paperwork.  Less "red tape", etc.

We agree, but that's not how the system works.

"Red tape" and paperwork is the price we all pay.

Fortunately, at this point, we only need 3 to 10 hours of your time and you will be done.

Just 3 to 10 hours.

If you have already gotten us everything we need, please ignore this email.

If not, the quicker you can get things into us, the better.

We can only work as fast as you supply us the answers and documents we need.

Lastly, please remember that after you give us all the information and documents we need, we still have to do the work and that can take up to 2 weeks.

Please bear with us.

Thank you so much,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Congratulations!  90% of the work is done.

Congratulations.  You have taken a giant step toward being "debt free" and guaranteeing yourself a better life.

And the really good news is that, once you have made the decision to file bankruptcy, 90% of the hard work is done. 

You have suffered though months or years living with debt. You have suffered through the nasty creditor calls, all the worry, all the stress, and all the sleepless nights.

If you are like most people, you have tried everything you could think of to try to bring your debts under control. 

And you took the giant leap of reaching out for the help of a bankruptcy attorney.

And, if you are getting this email, you have taken the time to find out how exactly bankruptcy can help and what filing bankruptcy can do for you and your family. 

And, lastly, you have made the all important decision to file.

At this point, 90% of your work is done.

It's like you are on the last hundred yards of a 23 mile marathon.

All that's left is for you to get into us the answers and documents we need to prepare all the documents for your filing.

We call it your "homework assignment", but, unlike homework assignments back when you were in school,...THIS ONE IS EASY...SUPER EASY. 

I like to think of it is as the "easiest homework assignment you will ever have in your entire life."

Why?  Because we don't need information about anybody but YOU.  

The truth is that 90% what we need to know, you can tell us "off the top of your head", without looking up anything.  The rest of what we need to know is in the documents you already have or have easy access to. 

And, you don't have to do anything with this information, except give it to us.

If you are really organized, this could take as little as 3 hours on your part.  Three (3) hours of your time to get rid of anywhere from $10,000, $20,000, $30,000, or more in debt. 

If you are not so organized, it might take as long as 10 hours, but that's still nothing in terms of the amount of debt you can get rid of...debt you get rid of ..FULLY, FINALLY AND FOREVER.

Think about it: For just 3 to 10 hours of your time, you could be out of debt. 

And, you only have to do it one time.

Once we have this information, we do all the heavy lifting to make sure everything is ready to file with the court. 

That's what you pay us for. 

  • You don't have to know the law.
  • You don't have to research or learn anything.
  • You don't have to prepare any of the documents to file your case.
  • You don't have to know how to file bankruptcy or what all is Involved. 

That's our job.

At this point, you have done 90% of the work. 

All that's left is for you to get us the answers and documents we need to get your case filed, to set you and your family FREE.

We are with you all the way,

John T. Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Ten (10) Easy Steps To File Your Chapter 7 or 13 Case.

Clients want to know this: "Now that I have decided to file, what's next?  What needs to be done to get my case filed?”

We have a form that answers this. 

It is called the "Ten (10) Easy Steps to File Your Chapter 7 or 13 Case"

You may already have received a copy of this document.

This form explains the 10 easy steps necessary to get your case filed (and the vernacular we sometimes use to explain these steps).

Hopefully, this document is self-explanatory.

If not, and you have questions, please call your assigned "Processor".

You can find your Processor's name and telephone number near the top of another document we sent you. Just look for a document called: "Things To Do" form.

NOTE: This "Things To Do" form can be found in the attachment to the email we sent you that included our Contract for Legal Services.   Please find and open this email, click on the attachment, and scroll down until you find it.  To help you find the email in your email program, search for these terms: Contract for legal services .  You don't have to, but if you have a printer, please print it out for future reference. 

We are with you all the way,

John T. Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Hang in there. It's almost over.

Hang in there.  It's almost over.

Likely, you can't even remember what it felt like to be FREE of debt.

But try, because that is where you are headed and you are almost there.

If you are like most of our clients, worry has become your constant companion, so much so it invades your every moment like a sickness you can't shake.

That ends with the filing of your case.

Let’s get it done.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Please don't listen to other people.

There is no one more dangerous than a well-meaning friend, acquaintance or member of your family who thinks they know how bankruptcy really works.

Please do NOT listen to them.

They may well love and care about you.  But that does not mean that they know anything about how bankruptcy really works or what it means.

How can they, unless they have filed bankruptcy themselves?

The truth is that bankruptcy relief is amazing.  It literally saves lives.

Where else can you get “out of debt” in a matter of days or weeks?

And think about what that means for your life now and in the future.

It's not about getting “out-of-debt”.

It's about what getting “out-of-debt” means for you and your family from this point forward.

To your freedom from debt,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Please don't second guess yourself.

Whatever you do, don't second guess your decision to file bankruptcy.

As you will soon find out, your decision to file bankruptcy is one of the best decisions you will ever have made…for you and for your family.

In making this decision, you have changed the trajectory of your life, and in doing so, you have guaranteed you and your family a "fresh start", a “second chance" at life, and a path forward, free from the burden of debt.

Why do you think so many of our clients tell us that "filing bankruptcy was the best thing I ever did"?

We are with you all the way,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Please bear with us.

Sometimes, we just can't return your call the same day.

It doesn't mean you are not important.

Please bear with us.

We know that you wouldn't call us if you didn't need answers.

And, we want to always provide you those answers IMMEDIATELY, if not sooner.

But, please bear with us.

Just like you, we sometimes get too busy to do everything immediately, or even the same day.

Just know that your call is important to us; and I am not just saying that.

We will get back to you ASAP.

But, sometimes, we get jammed up and when we get jammed up, sometimes ASAP ends up being tomorrow, and not today.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Please Pay Attention To Your DEADLINES.

If we went over a deadline with you, you must pay attention to it.

For your sake, not ours.

At the same time, we know that this process can sometimes seem overwhelming, especially on top of everything else you have to deal with.

We get it.  You have gone through so much to get to this point.

But, please bear up just a bit longer.

Not paying attention to a deadline right now can put all kinds of things at risk, and we don’t want that for you.

Whatever you do, don't wait to the last minute to get your "homework" assignment done.

If you have not already done so, get it done TODAY.

The homework assignment is EASY, the easiest homework assignment you will ever have. 

Most of it, you can answer off the top of your head. 

The rest of it is about documents you should already have or have access to. 

So, please, get it done TODAY, even if that means taking off a day from work.

I guarantee you, it's worth it.

You are so close to getting the kind of help that only filing bankruptcy can provide, the kind of help that will literally change your life and the life of your family for the better.

Just so you know, the homework assignment only takes a total of 3 to 10 hours…and you only have to do it “one time”.

Just 3 to 10 hours, one time, to get rid of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars of debt. 

This 3 to 10 hours is all it takes to get us the information we need to:

  • Get your case filed,
  • Protect your family,
  • Put your creditors under control, and
  • Get rid of thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in debt that's been holding you down, stressing you out, worrying you to death, and stealing your much needed sleep.

And, keep these 2 things in mind:

(1)  We have a ton of documents to prepare.   And, we can't even get started until you get your homework assignment done and in to us.

(2) Even if you get your homework assignment done and in to us TODAY, it can still takes us days, if not weeks, to all the documents prepared and ready to file

And then, we still have to get an attorney to review it and then get you to sign it.

So, please, please, this one time, don't delay.  Don't wait. 

Pay attention to your deadlines and get us the information and documents we need… NOW… TODAY if possible.

If there was one time in your life to get things done NOW, this is it.

We want only the best for you, but we can't do anything without the information and documents we need from you.

Thank you so much,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  It's time to start looking to the future.

It's time to start looking to the future.

Sure, we still need to get your case filed.

But, you are so close.

The finish line is right there in front of you.

And soon, so very soon, when you cross the finish line, your life of black and white and shades of grey will explode with color, hope renewed, the fulfillment of dreams again within reach, reinstated with joy and laughter.

Sure, we may still need to get some answers and documents from you, and we still need to get your case filed.

But, with your decision to file bankruptcy, your battle with debt is won. 

It's just “mop up time”.

The paperwork and the filing is important, for sure.

But, at this point, it like filling out an application for a job you have already been hired for.

It's just a “formality”.

Whether you realize it or not, "debt relief" is your right under the law.

And, bankruptcy is just the process of claiming that right.

So, start to enjoy it, your new future:

  • Free from the constant pressure of debt.
  • Free from worry, stress and sleepless nights.
  • Free to once again plan and hope and dream of better days and brighter times.

To your freedom,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Filing bankruptcy is like winning the lottery.

Better yet, it’s like having a 100% chance of winning the lottery.

All you have to do is file and finish your bankruptcy case.

It works like this:

Filing your case is like turning in your winning ticket.

That starts the ball rolling.

Finishing your case (we call it your “discharge”) is when your ticket is, so to speak, paid out.

At this point, you no longer owe any of the thousands or tens of thousands of dollars of debt that got “discharged”.

That’s your “winnings”.

Debts you no longer owe. Debts “forgiven”.  Debts that never, ever, have to be paid back.  Debts gone…fully, finally, and forever…as if they never existed.

Thousands or tens of thousands of dollars in debt, on the way to being gone, the minute your bankruptcy case is filed.

We just need to get your case filed.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  You took the bull by the horns.

You were bold, and you were courageous.

You ventured forth where others fear to tread.

You reached out to us and, when you did, your reached out for the kind of help that only filing bankruptcy can provide.

You are one, among the multitudes overwhelmed by debt, who actually “did something about it”.

And, the reward is yours.

You are on the path “out-of-debt” and “on-with-life”.

I could not be happier for you.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Don't wait.  Enjoy being “out-of-debt” starting NOW!

Don't wait.  Enjoy being “out-of-debt” starting NOW!

Sure, we still need to get your case filed, and that's a bit of work on your part and ours.

But, that's just a "formality".

  • Like applying for your winnings after you win the lottery.
  • Like filling out an application for a job you already got.
  • Like getting married to someone who has already accepted your proposal.
  • Like getting inaugurated after you’ve already won the election.
  • Like being handed the gold medal after you have already won the race.

Your victory over debt is complete.

We just need to get your case filed.

To your enjoyment.

To your victory,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: I couldn't be happier for you.

I love doing bankruptcy law because I can instantly change people's lives for the better.

And, unlike divorce law, we can tell you exactly what the final result will be…ahead of time. 

No guessing involved, as long as you are open and honest, and tell us everything.

The quicker you get us the answers and documents (and money, if any) we need, the quicker we will get you that result.

We have helped over 70,343 families get out of debt and on with life.

And now, you are one of those families.

I  couldn't be happier for you.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:   "What should I tell my creditors while I am waiting for my case to be prepared and filed?"

What should I tell my creditors while I am waiting for my case to be prepared and filed?

Answer:  Tell them that we are your attorney.  If need be, give them our telephone number.  Say no more.  Then, get off the phone.  It serves no purpose to sit on the phone with your creditors. 

Your time is better spent getting your homework assignment done and into us, along with any money that you need to pay "up front".

The quicker we get your case filed, the quicker your creditors will be forced to stop calling and writing you.

Remember, it is perfectly OK for a creditor to call, write or sue you UNTIL we get your case filed.

If the creditor calls us, we will verify that you are a client.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  If I am paying you, why do I have to do so much work?

If I am paying you, why do I have to do so much work?


We take care of all the "red tape", so you don't have to.  And, there is a lot of it involved in order to prepare and file your bankruptcy case. 

But, we still have to get all the information and documents from you. 

And since you will be required to sign all the final paperwork as "under penalty of perjury”…, to be “true and correct to the best of my information and belief”, we need to make sure we get the facts correct from the gitgo, so we don't get you in trouble. 

We do try to make it all as simple and painless as possible, but the price you pay to get "out of debt" is full, complete, and honest answers. 

To get this right, there are questions we must ask, and sometimes re-ask, and there are documents we need to get from you. 

Think about it:  If we knew the answers, we wouldn't need to ask.  And, if we could get the documents by some other means, we wouldn't have to ask you for them. 

So, please bear with us.  It's a pain in the butt.   We know, but we only have prepare the paperwork once, and if we do it right, you get to get rid of a whole mess of debt, a fresh start, a clean slate and a second chance at life.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Did we tell you which debts to stop paying RIGHT NOW?

Did we tell you?   

Make sure you don't continue paying on debts that we will get rid of. 

This is important for 2 reasons:

FIRST, if need be, that money can be used to more quickly get your case filed.

And just so you know, as long as you get filed fairly quickly, there isn't much those creditors can do.  But if, in the meantime, you do get harassed or threatened by a creditor, know that we are here to advise and protect you. 

Don't hesitate to contact us. Talking your through this transition period is part of what you are paying for. 

And know this.  The minute we get your case filed with the court, is the minute it becomes illegal for your creditors to contact you. 

Why?  Because, the minute you file, the court automatically issues out a court order to stop your bill collectors in their tracks.

SECOND, it makes no sense to continue paying a creditor you are going to get rid of by filing bankruptcy.

After you make the decision to file bankruptcy, continuing to pay a creditor on a debt that will be “forgiven” by filing bankruptcy would be kind of like flushing money down the toilet.  That money would be better used to take care of you and your family.

Not sure what debts to stop paying?

Do this:

(1) Look through the paperwork we sent you.  You should be able to find an answer.

(2) If you can't find an answer in the paperwork we sent you, call your assigned Processor.  His or her name and telephone number is listed at the top of the form called "Things To Do" that we sent you.

We are with you all the way,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  If you have not done so, it's time to read the "Things To Do" form we gave you.

Please read the "Things To Do" form we gave you.

NOTE: This "Things To Do" form can be found in the attachment to the email we sent you that included our Contract for Legal Services.   Please find and open this email, click on the attachment, and scroll down until you find it.  To help you find the email, in your email program, search for these terms: Contract for legal services .  You don't have to, but if you have a printer, please print it out for future reference. 

This form was created and added to over the years. 

It tells you what you need to know and do as we are getting your case ready to file. 

Please, please, take the time to read it. 

Hopefully, it will answer many, if not most, of your questions.

Remember, if you have any questions, please contact your assigned Processor. 

Your Processor's name and phone number are listed near the top of the "Things To Do" form. If your Processor can't answer your question, your Processor will reach out to other staff or one of our attorneys for answers.

Please bear with us. There will be times when your Processor gets jammed up, where it takes a day or so to get back to you.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:   Hiring us does not mean that your bankruptcy case is INSTANTLY filed.

Many times, clients think that hiring us means that their bankruptcy case is filed.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Hiring us is just the first step in the process of getting your case ready to be filed.

First, we have to wait to get the rest of the answers and documents we need from you.

This alone can take anywhere from 1 day to 1 month, depending upon you and your particular situation.

Without this information, we cannot even start to complete the documents necessary to file with the Bankruptcy Court.

And this is not just a couple of documents for the court.

We have to prepare a ton of documents.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not complaining.

We do it and we do it cheerfully.  

It's what we do and we are very good at it, but it does take time.

And, if we need to get some money up-front from you, there is that too.

And, if we need to send for a document, there is that too. 

For example:  Most clients have a copy of their Federal and State income tax returns.  But, if not, we have to stop and get a copy.  The Federal return is fairly easy to get, but a State income tax return can take as much as 20 days to get.

All of this takes time.

Generally, unless there is an emergency, it usually takes at least 2 weeks to get your case file, and whatever extra time it takes to get all the answers, information and documents (and any upfront money) we need to get from you.

Even, then, even after we prepare all the documents, we need to have them reviewed and signed off by an attorney.  Then, we have to send them to you to sign off.  All of this before we can file them with the court.

We are experts at what we do, but just as food requires shopping, preparation, and time to cook, it takes time to gather information, prepare and process the documents necessary to get your case filed. 

Fortunately, unlike preparing meals, which must be done every day, filing bankruptcy is a one-time thing. 

One time and you are done.

So, please bear with us, and know that, in most cases, the quicker you get us all the information we need (and money, if any is needed), the quicker we can get your case filed.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:   No real protection until you case is filed.

Just so you know, until your case is filed with the Bankruptcy Court, your creditors do have the right to keep coming at you. 

After your case is filed, your creditors have to stop, and this is backed by a court order.  Let me explain. Once your case is filed, the court issues an order that tells all your creditors to back off or suffer the wrath of the court. As you will see, this order works like magic.

Therefore, it only makes sense to do what you need to do to get your case filed as quickly as possible, even if that means missing a day from work to get us the rest of the answer and documents we need.

Please get into us the information and documents we need (and money, if any is needed) as soon as possible.

Doing you part can take as little as 3 hours of your time (if you keep good records), and generally not more than 10 hours (if you don't keep good records)...a small price to pay to get rid of thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars worth of debt.

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  We are with you all the way (Former client testimonial).

You have made a good decision to file bankruptcy.

And always know this.  We are with you all the way.

Don't take my word for it.

Here is what one of our former clients has to say:

"Hello Attorney John Orcutt.

I want to totally thank you for representing me as your client. There are not too many bankruptcy attorneys out there at which has the concern & heart of offering people especially people of low income a zero down bankruptcy plan. The readings of your plans and services of the document materials that I had received are all laid out and organized. I very much strive within following the rules and procedures of your bankruptcy plan. If I am not sure about a phrase of wording and of meaning, I always will email or call your paralegal's office. I also very much appreciate you representing me on a past bankruptcy case over 20 years ago when my wife was living. The rules and laws had somewhat changed quite a lot however, this is just the facts of life. Nothing remains the same. Attorney Orcutt you very much release a heavy load of financial stress on your clients so they can get some sleep like the way you express on your TV commercials. (High 5 to you on that). At the same time, your online courses very much educate your clients of organizing a dedication within financially planning in many ways at which their future goals would become a success, and hopefully to become debt free for life. No life is worth being financially stressed out. I want to close Attorney Orcutt by expressing to you that you would always be known as a dedicated and organized bankruptcy attorney until you retire. Best wishes and success for you ahead. Have a safe seasonal holiday of Christmas & New Year. .

W. Stallings" 


John T. Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Your life will be better real soon now.

We would not have recommended bankruptcy if we didn't think it would make your life a whole lot better.

What would be the point?

So, just bear with us for a little while until we can get your case filed.

To your success,

John T. Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Have questions?  Keep asking!

Unfortunately, we can't read your mind.  We wish we could.  If we could, we would know all your questions and concerns.

All we can say is this:  There is no question or concern we can't answer or address.

If you have questions or concerns, keep coming at us until we have answered and addressed all of them. 

This is the only way you are going to feel comfortable with your decision to file bankruptcy.

Answering ALL your questions and concerns is part of what you pay us for. 

We are here to serve you.  We are with you all the way.


John T. Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Filing bankruptcy is the best money you will ever earn.

Sound odd.  I understand.

Bear with me and I explain why.

Let me ask you a question.

If I offered to pay you $1,000 per hour for your time, would you take the job?

Of course you would. 

Well, that's exactly what happens at this point.

The time you spend to get us the rest of the answers and documents we need to get your case filed is going to be the best return on investment you will ever get in your lifetime.

Let me prove it.

The minute you hired me to file your bankruptcy case, you put yourself in a position where, for only 3 to 10 more hours of your time, you are going to get rid of anywhere from $5,000 to $100,000 of debt.

Just 3 to 10 hours. 

At this point, all you have to do is get us the rest of the answers and documents we need to get your case filed.

This can take as little as 3 hours of your time (if you are super organized), and generally never more than 10 hours of your time (if you are not).

At this point, the time you spend getting into us the answers and documents we need will, in effect, pay you a kings ransom.

Think about it in terms of what it will, in effect, pay you per hour for your time.

Depending upon how much debt we can get rid of for you, those 3 to 10 hours of time will, in effect, net you anywhere from $1,000 to $10,000 per hour for your time.

We told you exactly how much debt you can get rid of by filing bankruptcy.  It could be as little as $5,000 or as much as $100,000.  It just depends on your particular situation.

NOTE: Don't remember how much debt you can get rid of?  Call us and we will tell you again.  

But, let's say, for example that you are going to get rid of $10,000 in debt.  And, let's say that you are not that organized and, as a result, end up having to spend a full 10 hours answering our questions and providing us the documents we need.  Do the math.  10 hours of work to get rid of $10,000 in debt is the same as earning $1,000 per hour for your time. 

Now, let's say you're more organized and keep better records than other clients, so much so that it only takes you 3 hours to get us all the answers and documents we need.  To the math. 3 hours to get rid of $10,000 in debt means you are, in effect, getting paid $3,333 per hour (= $10,000 in debt / 3 hours of work).

Where else in the world can you, in effect, get paid $1,000 to $3,333 per hour for your time?

And, if the debt you are going to get rid is double or triple or even 10 times as much, your hourly return on the investment skyrockets.

For example, if you can get rid of $30,000 in debt, the hourly rates for 3 to 10 hours range from $3,000 per hour (for 10 hours) up to $10,000 per hour (if you can get it done in only 3 hours).

In a sense, we could say that: "Filing bankruptcy is the best money you will ever earn".

So, whatever you do, don't stop now.  Don't wait. Don't hesitate.

Jump on it. If you have not already done so, spend those 3 to 10 hours and let's get it done.

The quicker, the better....even if it means losing a day of work to get us all the answers and documents we need. 

It's worth it.  Do the math.

And always remember, we are with you all the way, 

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Your creditors are paying for your bankruptcy.  Did you know that?

Whether you realize it or not, in effect, your creditors are paying the entire cost of your bankruptcy.

Find out why. 

Click on this button:


To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW:  Do these 3 things for a great credit score in the future.

3 Steps to an increased credit and a higher credit score:

Step 1:

File bankruptcy.  Bankruptcy gets rid of debts you can't afford.  Get rid of the debts you can't afford and you can get back to paying the rest of your debts "on time".  Paying your debts "on time" is the key to a higher credit score.

Step 2:

Take the program: After you finish your bankruptcy, after you get rid of enough debt to start re-building, you will want to do something to increase your "credit score".    To this end, we have paid for you to get the help you need.  As a public service to you and every person who files a bankrutpcy in North Carolina, we have made arrangements for a FREE credit re-building course to show you how, in easy steps, you can re-build your credit score.  Over 3,000 of our former clients are already enrolled.

Step 3:

Check and fix your credit report:  A large percentage of credit reports contain errors.  This messes up your ability to get credit and your chance of increasing your credit score to 720 or even higher. Just so you know, at no cost to you, we have arranged for a company to review your credit report after your bankruptcy is done.  And, if there are errors, that same company will get them fixed.  All free to you as a client of ours. 

Want to find out more. 

Click here:

3 FREE Credit Re-Building Tools

To your success,

John Orcutt

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ORCUTT LAW: Chapter 7 ONLY: 25 ways to find the money to file.

Under the law, we have no choice.

If you are filing a bankruptcy case under Chapter 7 (the alternative to Chapter 13), we need to collect our attorney fees and the court costs up-front before your case is filed.  That's the law.

The bottom line is this: The faster you can get us paid, the faster your case if filed and the faster you get the full protection of the Bankruptcy Court.

To help, we have provided you 25 ideas on where to find the money.  These are located in the documents called "Things To Do" that we provided you.

Take a second to pull it out and look at it.   It can really help.

Just so you know, if you don't want to wait as long as it will take to come up with the money, we may want to consider filing you under Chapter 13. 

Unlike Chapter 7, in Chapter 13, you can get started for less money  "up front", and, if you qualify, and lots of clients do, you can get filed for $O Money Down. 

Click here for more information about our $0 Money Down program.

$0 Money Down program

To your success,

John Orcutt

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Final food for thought:

If things ain’t good, God’s not done.

Debts Hurt! Got debt? Need help? Get started below!

Serving All of North Carolina

  • Bankruptcy Attorney Fayetteville NC
  • Bankruptcy Attorney Durham NC
  • Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilson NC
  • Bankruptcy Attorneys Greensboro NC
  • Bankruptcy Attorneys Southport NC
  • Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilmington NC

Bankruptcy Attorneys Raleigh NC (North)

6616 Six Forks Rd #203 Raleigh, NC 27615 North Carolina

Tel: (919) 847-9750

Bankruptcy Attorneys Raleigh NC (North)

Bankruptcy Attorney Fayetteville NC

2711 Breezewood Ave Fayetteville, NC 28303 North Carolina

Tel: (910) 323-2972

Bankruptcy Attorney Fayetteville NC

Bankruptcy Attorney Durham NC

1738 Hillandale Rd Suite D Durham, NC 27705 North Carolina

Tel: (919) 286-1695

Bankruptcy Attorney Durham NC

Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilson NC

2215 Nash St N Wilson, NC 27896 North Carolina

Tel: (252) 234-9194

Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilson NC

Bankruptcy Attorneys Greensboro NC

2100 W Cornwallis Dr. STE O Greensboro, NC 27408 North Carolina

Tel: (336) 542-5993

Bankruptcy Attorneys Greensboro NC

Bankruptcy Attorneys Southport NC

116 N Howe St. Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina

Tel: (910) 218-8682

Bankruptcy Attorneys Southport NC

Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilmington NC

116 N. Howe Street, Suite A Southport, NC 28461 North Carolina

Tel: (910) 447-2987

Bankruptcy Attorneys Wilmington NC